Steve’s Green Models Jenny

Sometimes I hit a lull in my own building and repair efforts and often that’s because my buddies need my help or just a place to work on some airplanes and I have enough open table space in the shop to let them leave a project sitting between sessions.  There aren’t very many RC airplane projects I don’t enjoy working on or at least lending a hand with and as long as I’m not in a rush to get some critical repair done on one of my own planes it just gives me a chance to see some more airplanes and learn something new.

Lately I’ve been busy with other things so haven’t done much work on my own planes, but have had a few of my buddies projects brewing in the shop.  One such recent project was this Green Models Jenny.  Now available through Maxford.  I found their website at

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This is 38″ wingspan electric that had been languishing at the local hobby store for a while before the new owner decided to make Steve an offer he couldn’t refuse in order to get it off his shelves.  After unpacking it and admiring the beautiful structural work, transparent covering and all the guy wiring and control lines… we started out to assemble it.  Immediately deciding we should just glue the tail surfaces in place rather than rely on just the screws (which didn’t seem to hold it very tightly) we mixed up some epoxy and got it all aligned and settled in place.  Of course we then quickly decided that the wing seemed to be meant to be put in place from the tail forward… OOOPS!  Well, with a bit of cursing and removing the struts we managed to do it from the front and all was well.  Hey, we were working without full instructions and gathering what info we could easily find on the web… and all’s well since the result look pretty good!

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The pull-pull system employed for all of the tail surfaces is actually a method I prefer and it is very light, so ideal for a small electric like this.  Assembling them was a bit of a pain, but hopefully you only do that once so it should work out.  We managed to break one of the “wires” connecting the wings whilst assembling the model but repair with a bit of thread was pretty simple so no big deal there.  Steve found some larger but still appropriate looking wheels and the motor seemed to get warm quickly with the stock propeller but tests with something a bit smaller seemed promising.  We also noticed that every bolt and nut holding the wings together would practically fall off immediately without a bit of thread lock so that has been taken care of as well.  I’d consider buying a set of small (I guess these might be 2-56) nylon insert aircraft type nuts but the the thread lock should work for now.

It’ll probably be a few weeks ’till we get a chance to go get a maiden flight but based on thrust tests in the shop and reports I’ve seen on line, I expect good flying.  I’ll post an update and hopefully some in flight or at least day of flight photos whenever that happens

Conversion of Robart retracts from Air to Electric for the Top Flite P51

After the “off-airport” landing of my Mustang a while back, I decided that it was time to get the retracts working.  I had them in the plane (locked down) for several flights and they did not appreciably change the flying characteristics of the plane and seemed at least as capable as the wire gear in absorbing light to moderately bumpy landings.  I hope I’m beyond hard landings unless a mechanical issue arises so hoping I can avoid any truly hard landings in the future.

Of course, these retracts were bought in 2004 and were built to be run by air but I had pretty much made the decision when I assembled the bird that they were going to have to be converted to electric use.  The area where the air tank would normally go was filled with padding and batteries and pretty well buried anyway so the conversion was a given if retracts were ever to be functional.  The retracts got a little minor repair and have been removed from the wing anyway since a new wing is on order!  The current wing is fixable but a fair amount of crushed wood and cracks in the main spar convinced me it would be easier and maybe smarter to just get a new one.

After taking a little time to replenish the piggy bank, I ordered the complete main and tail wheel conversion kits from Robart via my favorite local hobby shop.  A week or two later I had them in my hands and I sat down at the bench to get started.  This will give you an idea what the kit looks like for the mains.




Here is what the starboard main looks like before the conversion and then after….



I found the instructions to be above average but the one part that was not spelled out clearly is that there is a difference in the two replacement trunnions.  At least I didn’t notice it being mentioned anywhere.  There is a right and a left and if you use the wrong one you end up with what is pictured above!  Yep, I had a 50/50 chance and I chose unwisely.  Oh, the retract works great… if you want the wheel to thrust upward through the wing instead of dropping down below it!!  Hah!

So I got to take it all apart again and do it a second time.  I was getting pretty good at it by then and hadn’t yet put the thread lock on it since I’ve done a bit of modeling before and pretty much knew that I’d mess it up somehow.  It took another 20 minutes or so but then all seemed good and worked pretty well… mostly.

The next problem I had was that occasionally one of the retracts would slow down to about half speed or just outright stop completely.  Since this system was designed to stop at the end of travel solely by sensing the increase in current draw caused by the increase in physical resistance, I concluded that the controller has no way to know the difference between end of travel and any other major increase in mechanical resistance.  I tried a little lubrication (WD-40) and that certainly helped but one retract would still stop in mid stroke on occasion.  After loosening the screws up a bit and exercising things I re-tightened and apparently the better alignment that resulted has resolved the issue.  I still have not applied thread lock as I’m saving that for the final install once I insure everything is well when they are mounted in the new wing.  Unfortunately, Top-Flite has not been as quick to send out a new wing as Robart was at sending the conversion kits so this last test fitting will have to wait for a while yet.

The tail wheel kit is much simpler.  Here is the kit as it came out of the package.


After the mains, the tail gear presented no challenge at all.  The only gotcha, which IS clearly spelled out is the possibility to set the controller to the wrong “type” for this retract with the possibility of burning out the motor.  Read carefully and follow instructions and you should not have problems.  I didn’t!

One final warning is that the actuator wires that enter near the clevis pin actually interfere with the insertion of the pin.  You can see the issue here.


A bit of judicious wiggling and a bit of push on the wires to help them clear the pin is all that is necessary to avoid the wires and since they are protected with a sleeve of some sort it does not appear that rubbing will be a problem down the road.

That’s about all there is to say beyond what is clearly documented in the instructions that come in the kit(s).  For about $300 you get what seems to be a bit simpler system which should result in some improved reliability.  I have heard that some are unhappy with the ~10 second time for the gear to fully retract or extend but I like the smooth action better than the usual slap and clunk actions I have seen from many air systems.  This time can be somewhat decreased or increased by feeding the system higher or lower voltage.

I plan to feed mine direct from the flight battery/receiver voltage as the system uses little current and I am carrying 2 x 2300mah A123s so battery capacity is not a big issue for me.  I supply the ignition from these same batteries using an Ultra IBEC and even so I’ve been flying 6 or more flights between charges with no issue.  At worst I expect to charge every 4 or 5 flights with the new added load.  I’ll keep an eye on battery capacity and usage for a bit to see how that goes.


Indianapolis City Wide Fun Fly

October 5th at the Blue River airfield I participated in the Indianapolis City Wide fun fly competition.   It was a nice morning with rain closing us down after a single round of competition but as usual the South Side club was out in force and flying to win.  A second round wouldn’t have mattered to the outcome and with rain closing in we called it a day.  Below, I am ready to start the competition flying my Freestyle foamy.  (Pic by T. Brindle)



I’ve flown in the Citywide competition maybe half of the last 10 years.  It’s a competition that consists of 4 “skills” including bomb drop, stick break, limbo and spot landing.

Bomb drop is done first by dropping a bomb (usually a washer or nut with a small piece of ribbon attached) into a set of concentric circles that are painted on the field.  Points range from 50 for a center drop (about a 3 foot circle) to 5 for anywhere on the runway.

Usually this is followed by stick break.  In this contest a 1/4″ balsa stick is placed in the ground and a styrofoam cup is placed on top.  If you can take the cup off the top of the stick without touching the ground you score 50 points on the first attempt or 25 on the second try.  The stick is usually 3′ tall but the hosting club can modify the rules to some extent.

Next up is a limbo.  The contestant has a choice of 3,4 or 5 foot heights to try to pass under with 50 points for passing under the 3′, 40 for the 4′ height, etc…  half points are given for a second try if the first fails but touching the ground during the pass nullifies any award for that skill.

Last is a simple spot landing.  Using the same concentric rings as the bomb drop the pilot then lands with the first part to touch typically being the scored part of the landing.  Touch and go is not allowed.

I scored a 135 with my foamy in slightly gusty conditions and was happy with that performance.

With only the south side club being in attendance consistently and in force over the last few years this event will likely see some changes or may just fade away if more interest can not be garnered next year.